Boring Drill

I used some mental gymnastics when deciding to build this thing. I know there are much more efficient versions of this but this one is mine! I made a system for drilling which revolves around a train. There is a train elevator to change its elevation, a system for loading train track onto the train, and a system for offloading the contents of the train.

The train can go in 4 cardinal directions and can be raised up and down between elevations. As the train drills, it places track below itself so it can theoretically go forever. I have a macro to just hold the W key. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of trains in Create, this isn't a completely mindless task. Sometimes the train is unable to place track, misses a track and goes through walls. The train can also be very deadly if unmonitored. Creepers may land on top of the train when passing through a cave, skeletons can shoot through the train, and lava clips straight through the train.

Operating the Train

First, I choose the level I want to mine on.

Second, I move the train off the elevator. The train can't be driven off the elevator as the train can't be assembled and moved on the elevator. Tracks also are not moveable.

Third, I load the train with track. I have to do this after getting the train off the elevator because the train will try to place track while the elevator is moving.

And after all that, I can assemble the train and get going! Once I get back, I can offload the train which will automatically funnel its contents into a storage system.

Bob's Boring Drill.

main hallway

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